‘Artists’ icon on iPhone is Bono

louiemantiaI’m not really surprised though…[…] Thanks to louiemantia for providing this nice story on Digg (more than 1215 Diggs).

What other user say about this:

mexmiler: Not surprising, after all, Steve Jobs does have Bono’s dick in his mouth

Sjikob: Buried, as it’s obviously not the same picture – the microphone’s at a different angle (as others have mentioned).

bimtott: Better than those other apple ads with Paul McCartney and his lame-ass mandolin

willynilly: Bono has clearly reached the point that Sting did many years ago: despised for pompousness. Plus, the guy is photographed with George Bush; if Bono had any principles at all, he wouldn’t go near that bastard.

The thing is, Sting got over and then so did the public. But he started way earlier than Bono.

unco: i was hoping they were referring to Eduard De..

jasonpoon: Why not Bob Dylan?

rendereduseless: i hate bono

sterr: mic is in diff possition. and could be hundreds of other ppl

Rileyper: Another iPhone story on front page after the iPhone was released… 😦

Wildren: Because there isn’t a countless number of artists who once sang like that in front of a microphone…

vacuum2440: pretty bad analysis…thats definately not bono its just a guy singing into a damn mic holy shit

merdiesel: Bono is such a douche.

XeroPhoenix: Bono is gay, I hate him.

tomzer1: The ironic thing here is that although Apple has a great relationship with U2, U2’s label is trying to screw Apple by telling them to either raise iTunes prices or Universal will leave. We know Steve Jobs won’t budge in this game of chicken, but will he then pull the plug on the U2 Edition iPod? He’d have to.

wuzzo: iBono ?

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